Applicon at 8th CRM Arena: "All mighty CRM – legend or myth?!"


Customer relationship is one of the topics with the continues development and improvement. From one side due to advance in customer analytics capabilities and operational services, while on the other due to challenges of the social media networks.

While many think buying a good solid CRM application and embracing the new Internet channels will instantly kill the pain in reality the soul of it are still in the company culture, agility to adopt new business processes, and create the right framework of goals, measurable KPIs and skillful personnel. With its "Thank You Economy", the Internet Media guru Gary Vaynerchuk is about to open the whole new chapter already embraced by the fastest and followed by many. We welcome thiss opportunity to meet new people and share our thoughts about the chances for big companies to start using "The Thank you…".


The Regent Esplanade hotel in Zagreb will host the 8th CRM Arena on 3rd May 2011.